Friday, April 13, 2012


1.Phase that i am working on is my poster.

2.I am currently still creating my project and I am pretty much done with my website.

3.I plan to finish my poster next week.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


1. phase that i am working on is my website.

2.I have recently started on my project.

3. For the next week i will work to finish my website by the end of nerxt week.


1. phase that i am working on is my website frame.

2.I am still currently building my project.

3. For the next week i will work to finish my website.

Friday, March 23, 2012


1. phase that i am working on is my website frame.

2.I am currently building my project.

3. For the next week i will work to finish my website frame.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


1) what i am now working on in class is my website.and i have also finished my sketches.

2)I have now started my actual design for my project at home.

3)Next step would be to finish my actual project.

Friday, March 2, 2012


1. Challenges that i am facing in class are none so far and the component that i am working on for class is my sketchs for my website.

2.what i am doing with my project outside of class is that i am making my credit card cover.

3. next step for the coming week would be to finish my sketchs and start my website.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


1. what component that i have been working on in class is my sketch up project.

2.Challenges that i am facing outside of class is that i am looking for material to create my card cover.

3. Next step for my project is to start on my website.

Friday, February 17, 2012


1)what i have learned about writing an research project is that there easier then what i thought it was going to be at first, but also doing this has made me a better research writer.

2) I have thought about using a thin fabric for my credit card cover and something i didn't know is that the average identity theft victim spends over 600 hours trying to get there identity back.

3)My sketch up project i will start it.


1) something that i have learned new this week is that instead of making a full cover for my credit card i can make a half card.

2)what new ideas that i have thought about researching is magnetic strips on the back of credit cards.

3)My next step for this week is to finish my research.


1) having an agenda isn't difficult in my opinion.But for some people taking leadership could be a hard thing.

2)Some new research that i have discovered this week is that there are many ways for a person to have there identity stolen without a identity thief even getting his hands on your credit card.

3)My next step for the coming week is to finish my sketch up model.  


1.Some components that i have started working on is my sketch up project of my credit card cover.Some challenges im facing is coming up with a good design.

2.What i am currently doing outside of class is that im looking for a fabric that's thin but also easy to take off.

3. My next step for next week is to start on my website.

Friday, February 10, 2012


1.Some reflections on my project so far has is that i have finished the majority of my research and i have also completed all three of my problems and im now im done with solution A and im starting on my solution B.

2.My faculty advisor visit went well. Mr.Bekar really gave me me more ideas on what i should do an really got me going on what i should do.

3.Some recommendations that i had got from my faculty advisor have been to bring in my work and come to him more for help on any research and help on any papers i have to right. 

4.My next step for my project is to start working on my solution B.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


1.Some reflections on my project so far has is that i have finished most of my research and i have also completed all three of my problems and im now starting on my solutions.

2.My faculty advisor visit went well. Mr.Bekar really gave me me more ideas on what i should do an really got me going on what i should do.

3.Some recommendations that i had got from my faculty advisor have been to bring in my work and come to him more for help on any research and help on any papers i have to right. 

4.My next step for my project is to start working on my solutions and making my product.